Wednesday, September 22, 2010


I'm back (to Nairobi)! As aforementioned, my program took me on a week long trip to Mombasa- which was quite an experience. We actually stayed in a beach resort- but not really the nicest beach resort. Imagine like a B-list beach resort. Still a resort, but we weren't eating cavier off of golden plates or anything of that sort.

I digress. Anyhow, I saw the indian ocean for the first time! I also got knocked into a dead coral reef by a (rouge?) wave, leading to a bit of skin loss around the bridge of my nose. Thus number one on my souvenier list (badass scar) seems to be taken care of. Immedietly afterwords we saw Fort Jesus (pictured above) and the Swahili Old Town. Both were goregous, unaturally so, especially as the sun set. I actually scared quite a few swahili children, as my ad hoc bandage situation slowly deterioated over the course of the tour.

The remaining days included the varied delights of Hunter's Choice, Animal Parks, and craft workshops, all of which I may or may not go into greater depth about at an untold later date/when I am starved for blogging material. Irregardless (I might be using this word wrong), I fed a Giraffe. Cool?

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